
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hilu city Himachal Pradesh India 33.02 76.61 10951 1334
Hilu city Madang Papua New Guinea -5.26 145.75 22 9372
Hilua city Uttar Pradesh India 25.14 79.61 830 16483
Hiluchia city Bangladesh 24.88 90.82 6 94646
Hiluktugan city Leyte Philippines 11.25 124.68 160 45554
Hilum city Leyte Philippines 10.95 124.41 39 26236
Hilur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.22 75.76 6709 9749
Hilura city Ninawa Iraq 37.00 43.85 1761 4155
Hilurah city Ninawa Iraq 37.00 43.85 1761 4155
Hilusig city Leyte Philippines 10.75 125.00 22 19661
Hilusig city Leyte Philippines 10.65 124.95 328 28164
Hilutangan city Cebu Philippines 11.14 123.64 0 1739

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