
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Heur-le-Tiexhe city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.75 5.48 830 34805
Heurbeek city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.87 4.86 262 12919
Heure city Wallonie Belgium 50.30 5.29 830 2870
Heure city Gelderland Netherlands 52.12 6.50 49 13219
Heure-en-Famenne city Wallonie Belgium 50.30 5.29 830 2870
Heure-le-Romain city Wallonie Belgium 50.73 5.63 305 51572
Heurenbach city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.91 9.73 2073 6550
Heureuneup city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.03 127.86 213 33031
Heureuthe city Sachsen Germany 50.48 12.25 1669 8171
Heurgeville city Haute-Normandie France 48.97 1.48 830 6556
Heurigol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 38.06 128.03 1059 3511
Heuringhem city Nord-Pas-de-Calais France 50.70 2.28 114 29438
Heurisko Pond Water Aerodrome airport 43.77 -80.37 1420 0
Heurit-gol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 38.06 128.03 1059 3511
Heurne city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 5.36 311 11335
Heurne city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.88 3.63 29 34816
Heurne city Overijssel Netherlands 52.35 6.58 32 34896
Heurne city Gelderland Netherlands 52.04 6.44 59 8956
Heurne city Gelderland Netherlands 51.90 6.57 101 21028
Heurne city Gelderland Netherlands 52.12 6.50 49 13219
Heurne city Gelderland Netherlands 51.93 6.45 59 14275
Heurne Sint-Pieter city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 5.36 311 11335
Heurne Sint-Pieters city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 5.36 311 11335
Heurne-Saint-Pierre city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 5.36 311 11335
Heurné city Rif Dimashq Syria 33.59 36.31 3349 22648
Heurta city Free State South Africa -28.52 25.91 4274 115
Heurteauville city Haute-Normandie France 49.44 0.81 91 10945
Heurtebise city Bourgogne France 48.14 3.54 830 1760
Heurtevent city Haute-Normandie France 49.93 1.60 298 6776
Heurtevent city Haute-Normandie France 49.68 1.37 830 2976
Heurtevent city Basse-Normandie France 48.98 0.13 413 3939
Heurtregiville city Champagne-Ardenne France 49.33 4.26 314 3695
Heuru city Soloman Islands -10.22 161.43 98 712

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