
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
D’Abadie city Tunapuna/Piarco Trinidad and Tobago 10.63 -61.31 147 96356
D’Acceuil city Latibonit Haiti 19.27 -72.62 22 29055
D’Accueil city Latibonit Haiti 19.28 -72.63 16 29055
D’Agnissart city Wallonie Belgium 50.63 4.50 400 22072
D’Aguilar city Queensland Australia -26.98 152.80 912 1035
D’Akkers city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.30 5.03 68 15737
D’Almeida city Western Cape South Africa -34.17 22.11 830 45058
D’Amkouk city Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz Morocco 30.90 -9.54 1837 7340
D’Annuinzio city Libya 32.56 21.25 1669 0
D’Annunzio city Libya 32.56 21.25 1669 0
D’Apres city Lwes Haiti 18.40 -71.90 3684 42061
D’Arbeau city Saint George Grenada 12.05 -61.75 85 26680
D’Ardes city Puglia Italy 41.63 15.08 1174 4353
D’Arselshoeven city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.30 5.03 68 15737
D’Artagnan city Guyane French Guiana 3.73 -53.55 1000 0
D’Aubaigon city St. Lucia 13.83 -60.92 52 22015

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