
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Үби city Tatarstan Russia 54.79 47.77 830 1937
Үгүт city Naryn Kyrgyzstan 41.41 74.84 5403 447
Үжи city Kyoto Japan 34.89 135.80 213 285966
Үзбәк city Tatarstan Russia 54.69 52.46 830 2917
Үзәк city Tatarstan Russia 55.87 50.27 305 1692
Үйтас city Aqtobe Kazakhstan 50.37 59.80 951 149
Үйірлітүп city Pavlodar Kazakhstan 53.73 75.03 298 299
Үйірлітүп city Pavlodar Kazakhstan 53.86 75.34 337 298
Үлгiлi city Ongtustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 40.79 68.44 872 12372
Үлгі city Soltustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 54.37 67.17 830 447
Үлгі city Qaraghandy Kazakhstan 50.32 74.09 1935 0
Үлгі city Soltustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 54.53 69.99 410 596
Үлгілі city Kazakhstan 53.60 72.08 314 298
Үлгілі city Pavlodar Kazakhstan 53.66 75.01 314 298
Үлгілі city Aqmola Kazakhstan 52.87 68.68 1669 662
Үлгілі city Ongtustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 43.54 68.13 1108 0
Үлкен city Almaty Kazakhstan 45.21 73.98 1131 49
Үлкен Ақсу city Almaty Kazakhstan 43.37 79.61 4376 596
Үлкен Диқан city Almaty Kazakhstan 43.50 80.53 4251 596
Үлсан city Ulsan Korea, Republic of (South) 35.54 129.32 49 503126
Үләнде city Bashkortostan Russia 53.64 58.80 1669 0
Үміткер city Qaraghandy Kazakhstan 50.37 74.28 1778 0
Үмәк city Tatarstan Russia 55.93 51.53 219 733
Үнкүр city Osh Kyrgyzstan 40.50 73.29 5869 8131
Үрге Бәгәнәш city Bashkortostan Russia 53.82 55.60 915 836
Үрге Йәркәй city Bashkortostan Russia 55.45 54.31 275 1341
Үрге Көрмәҙе city Bashkortostan Russia 53.63 54.30 964 745
Үрге Ләкәнде city Bashkortostan Russia 54.11 56.23 830 1341
Үрге Ләмәҙ city Bashkortostan Russia 54.62 57.19 830 596
Үрге Никольский city Bashkortostan Russia 56.25 56.64 830 745
Үрге Тәтешле city Bashkortostan Russia 56.29 55.86 830 1490
Үрге Уҫылы city Bashkortostan Russia 53.72 55.60 830 298
Үрге Фроловка city Bashkortostan Russia 54.61 57.13 830 596
Үрге Хәжәт city Bashkortostan Russia 54.44 55.28 367 1043
Үрге Ырныҡшы city Bashkortostan Russia 54.42 56.63 830 596
Үрге Ҡыйғы city Bashkortostan Russia 55.41 58.60 866 745
Үрге Әбдрәш city Bashkortostan Russia 52.95 58.76 1076 384
Үрге Әбсәләм city Bashkortostan Russia 55.58 58.17 925 745
Үрге Әүрез city Bashkortostan Russia 53.95 54.83 830 1639
Үрнәк city Tatarstan Russia 55.53 50.60 830 894
Үрнәк city Tatarstan Russia 55.22 53.36 830 1189
Үрнәк city Tatarstan Russia 54.59 50.83 393 894
Үрнәк city Bashkortostan Russia 53.63 54.91 948 1043
Үрнәк city Tatarstan Russia 55.86 48.77 387 7927
Үрнәк city Tatarstan Russia 56.23 50.01 830 2086
Үрнәк-Күмәк city Tatarstan Russia 54.48 52.34 830 689
Үрпек city Qostanay Kazakhstan 50.10 65.31 830 149
Үртамак city Tatarstan Russia 55.51 53.21 213 1341
Үрімжі city Xinjiang China 43.81 87.63 2864 221697
Үрүмчи city Xinjiang China 43.81 87.63 2864 221697
Үрүмчү city Xinjiang China 43.81 87.63 2864 221697
Үрүмқай city Aqmola Kazakhstan 52.70 70.00 1669 0
Үрәсбаш city Tatarstan Russia 56.04 50.95 830 2384
Үрәҙмәт city Bashkortostan Russia 53.82 55.41 830 1292
Үсiктас city Ongtustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 43.33 69.44 1669 596
Үтiртөбе city Ongtustik Qazaqstan Kazakhstan 40.98 68.35 830 7897
Үтәгән city Bashkortostan Russia 53.40 58.32 1866 0
Үтәй city Bashkortostan Russia 53.97 54.32 879 391
Үтәймулла city Bashkortostan Russia 54.13 56.24 383 1343
Үтәнгеш city Tatarstan Russia 56.00 48.73 830 524
Үтәш city Bashkortostan Russia 56.09 56.80 830 745
Үфі city Bashkortostan Russia 54.79 56.05 324 181212
Үхай хот city Nei Mongol China 39.68 106.82 3602 35827
Үхань city Hubei China 30.58 114.27 82 93806
Үч Түбе city Kyrgyzstan 39.92 73.43 7841 596
Үч-Булак city Naryn Kyrgyzstan 42.17 75.89 6850 745
Үч-Дөбө city Batken Kyrgyzstan 39.95 70.48 4189 5504
Үч-Коргон city Batken Kyrgyzstan 40.23 72.06 3349 2491
Үч-Коргон city Talas Kyrgyzstan 42.78 71.55 2509 2890
Үч-Кошкон city Ysyk-Kol Kyrgyzstan 41.82 78.70 9458 596
Үч-Көл city Kyrgyzstan 40.40 73.82 10068 1469
Үч-Топ-Кыр city Jalal-Abad Kyrgyzstan 40.95 73.27 3720 6405
Үч-Эмчек city Chuy Kyrgyzstan 42.70 74.77 5029 8210
Үчкүн city Naryn Kyrgyzstan 41.38 75.36 5869 447
Үчүнчү-Тал city Osh Kyrgyzstan 40.43 74.10 6709 1490
Үчүрмө city Naryn Kyrgyzstan 41.22 76.27 9228 298
Үчәлле city Tatarstan Russia 54.90 53.33 830 298
Үшаков city Rostovskaya Oblast' Russia 49.34 42.02 830 745
Үшарал city Zhambyl Kazakhstan 43.88 70.53 1148 269
Үшарал city Zhambyl Kazakhstan 43.92 70.47 1092 193
Үшбас city Zhambyl Kazakhstan 43.41 69.69 2752 149
Үшбұлақ city Almaty Kazakhstan 45.80 81.31 3723 441
Үшбұлақ city Qyzylorda Kazakhstan 42.97 71.56 2037 13950
Үши city Jiangsu China 31.57 120.29 19 330065
Үшнә city Tatarstan Russia 55.82 49.69 416 298
Үшсарт city Aqmola Kazakhstan 50.30 70.05 1102 149
Үштерек city Pavlodar Kazakhstan 52.02 76.80 413 0
Үштөбе city Almaty Kazakhstan 45.25 77.98 1669 289
Үһән city Hubei China 30.58 114.27 82 93806

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